( As on 10/10/2024 19:51)
Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited has informed the Exchange about Change in Directors/ Key Managerial Personnel/ Auditor/ Compliance Officer/ Share Transfer Agent
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a. Register on SCORES portal b. Mandatory details for filing complaints on SCORES: i. Name, PAN, Address, Mobile Number, E-mail ID c. Benefits: i. Effective communication ii. Speedy redressal of the grievances SEBI : https://scores.gov.in/scores/Welcome.html
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StockPlus Financial Services SEBI Registration No. (BSE Cash / BSE F&O / NSE Cash / MSEI Cash / MSEI F&O) : INZ000227218 NSE Registration Member No. : 90045 & BSE Registration Member No. : 6156 FILING COMPLAINTS ON SCORES
Mutual Fund | ARN 36577 | Website : www.stockplus.co.in Existing customers can send their grievances to : grievances@stockplus.co.in Compliance Officer : Mr. Bipin M. Savla, 4013 9900, email : bmsavla@stockplus.co.in
Attention Investors Attention Investors : 1) KYC is one time exercise while dealing in securities markets – once KYC is done through a SEBI registered intermediary (Broker, DP, Mutual Fund etc.), you need not undergo the same process again when you approach another intermediary. | 2) Prevent Unauthorised transactions in your account. Update your mobile numbers/email IDs with your stock brokers. Receive information of your transactions directly from Exchange on your mobile/email at the end of the day .......... Issued in the interest of investors. | 3) Stock Brokers can accept securities as margin from clients only by way of pledge in the depository system w.e.f. September 1, 2020. | 4) Update your mobile number & email Id with your stock broker/depository participant and receive OTP directly from depository on your email id and/or mobile number to create pledge. | 5) Pay 20% upfront margin of the transaction value to trade in cash market segment. | 6) Investors may please refer to the Exchange's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) issued vide circular reference NSE/INSP/45191 dated July 31, 2020 and NSE/INSP/45534 dated August 31, 2020 and other guidelines issued from time to time in this regard.